Bottega Veneta RTW Fall 2018
New York, New York — it’s a hell of a town. And a hell of a housing market. As a part-time resident, Tomas Maier surely knows that. Nevertheless, when he decided to show his Bottega Veneta collection here to mark the opening of the brand’s new flagship on Madison Avenue, he wanted to show in a home-like setting, the apartment of an imaginary urbane Italian with a penchant for Milanese chic crossed with exotica acquired from global travels. Maier thus undertook the hunt for a location where such an apartment could be created; it would have to meet specific parameters — soaring ceilings and no columns. He found only two possibilities and chose the American Stock Exchange building. Along with Alex de Betak, who typically works on Bottega’s shows, Maier brought in Broadway set designer Scott Pask for the project. That’s an unfortunate reality of staging shows intended as mega, never-before events — when glitches happen, they become the lead talking point in post-mortem co